Saturday, January 29, 2011

YOU and the person in the mirror.

I'm having a hard time finding time to write these few days with meetings run through the weekends etc. So here's something I grabbed from the web :

"If you're looking to become more confident, look in the mirror. The person who can give you real confidence, is you.

Others can teach you, encourage you, and express their own confidence in you. Yet if you wish to have confidence in yourself, you must earn it for yourself.

The only way you can know your abilities is by putting them to work. Real confidence comes from your own experience of doing.

Every challenging situation is an opportunity for you to strengthen your confidence. Within every difficulty is the very real potential for growth.

The experience of making an effort creates confidence. The experience of making another effort, and another and another, until you get the job accomplished, creates even stronger confidence.

Confidence comes when you know you can do it, and the only way to know that is to do it. Step forward, take action, and your confidence will grow each time you do."

- Ralph Marston



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